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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  October 30, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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neocons, no, this time you ask to much? no. he'll be pliable, bendable usable to the same crowd that took w., used him and dumped him in history's hamper. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "politicsnation" with al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks, chris. and thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight in atlanta. more than 8 million people are still without power. after the devastating impact of hurricane sandy. 39 deaths are blamed on the storm and large parts of new jersey are still flooded. on the jersey shore, a roller coaster is now literally in the ocean. in new york city, scenes of devastation after a huge fire destroyed as many as 100 homes. and in midtown manhattan, officials are still trying to secure that crane dangling 74
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stories above the streets after partially collapsing in high winds. but we begin with storm politics. with just seven days to go, the presidential race may hinge on how candidates respond to the storm. if they seem presidential or irrelevant. this october surprise has revealed a surprising new alliance. obama/christie. that's right. just listen to how the new jersey governor, a top romney surroga surrogate, heeds praise on president obama. >> the president called me. i appreciate that call from the president. it was very proactive and i appreciate that type of leadership. the president is great. i spoke to him three times yesterday pep called me for the last time at midnight last night. asked me what i needed. i said if you could expedite the major declaration without the fema mumbo jumbo.
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i got a call from fema at 2 a.m. the president has been all over this and he deserves great credit. i was on the phone with him yesterday three times personally. he gave me his number at the white house. told me to call him. and he absolutely means it. the president has been outstanding in this. so the folks at fema, craig fugate and his folks have been excellent. >> the president deserves great credit. he's been outstanding. a republican praising a democrat. but the powerful fact is this wasn't about politics. this was genuine thanks to a president focused on taking care of americans. president obama has canceled all campaign events through tomorrow to focus on hurricane sandy. today he went to the red cross headquarters, and devastated families were standing by. >> obviously, this is something that is heartbreaking for the entire nation. we certainly feel profoundly for
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all the families whose lives have been up-ended. most important message i have for them is that america's ready. we are standing behind you and we are going to do everything we can to help you get back on your feet. i told the mayors and governors, if they're getting no for an answer somewhere in the federal government, they can call me personally. at the white house. >> that's what the president is doing to help americans try to recover from this storm. now, what's romney's response to the storm today? his team announced he was also canceling his campaign events, holding instead what they described as a storm relief event in ohio. but the event was held at the same location where campaign rally was supposed to be held. he was joined by the same musical guest scheduled at his campaign rally. and at this noncampaign event, "the new york times" said they played a, quote, glossy campaign
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video for mr. romney that described him as charismatic and authentic. and is it normal for people at a noncampaign storm relief event to carry t-shirts that attack the president? but this event turned awkward, too. governor romney's warning to slash fema so today he refused to answer questions about it. >> reporter: would you eliminate fema if you were president? would you eliminate fema if you were president? governor, would you eliminate fema if you were president? >> that didn't work, so reporters went outside and asked him again. >> reporter: governor, are you going to eliminate fema? >> reporter: governor, you haven't said what you would do with fema. why won't you answer any
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questions on it. >> no response. he has no answers. maybe that's why the guy who gave the keynote address at this convention is praising his opponent. >> the president has been great. the president has been all over this. the president has been outstanding. i appreciate that type of leadership. >> appreciating the president's leadership in this crisis is obviously nonpartisan. i can't remember a day when mitt romney seemed less relevant to americans. except maybe yesterday. joining me now is steve kornacki co-host of "the cycle" here on msnbc. he used to cover governor christie and he's writing about how the hurricane has frozen the race for mitt romney. and joy reed, msnbc contributor and managing editor for thanks for both of you for being here tonight. >> good to be here. >> steve, you write about this
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today. what do you make of christie? >> part is christie being christie to a certain extent. some people were trying to figure out if romney would put him on the ticket. this is one of the reasons that was never a serious possibility because he had-s his own man and they can't control him. but i think probably the best way to understand this is, by looking at new jersey politics. remembering in new jersey, blue state, president obama carried by a big margin in '08 and will carry it by a big margin next week. christie has to run for re-election in that state next year, 2013. he's fairly well positioned to win but it's never easy being a republican in new jersey. one of the strategies christie has had to appeal to nonrepublican voters in new jersey in the last year is speaking out and publicizing alliances with democrats which creates the image of the bipartisan guy who won't get bogged down in petty republican politics. for instance, he's had this alliance with cory booker, democratic mayor of newark.
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alliances with democrats in mayor from south jersey. now president obama. like i said for christie to win next year, he has to get a fair number of people voting for barack obama this year. >> let me raise this, though, joy. what struck me, as we deal with this presidential race, is that it was announced today that the president is coming to new jersey tomorrow to see some of the devastation and that governor christie was going to accompany him, which is appropriate. but when governor christie was asked about whether or not he was going to tour with governor romney, as some have suggested, by fox new, listen to what he said. >> is there any possibility that governor romney may go to new jersey to tour some of the damage with you? >> i have no idea, nor am i the least bit concerned or interested. i've got a job to do here in new jersey.
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that's much bigger than presidential politics. and i could care less about any of that stuff. i have a job to do. identify got 2.4 million people out of power. i've got devastation on the shore. i've got floods in it is northern part of my state. if you think right now i give a damn about presidential politics, then you don't know me. >> now, joy, am i reading too much into that? he seemed to be abruptly d dismisses ive of mitt romney coming but he's going with president obama knowing what signals that would send six days before the election? >> the thing about chris christie, he's a guy who's known to speak his mind. a lot of times speaking his mind means he's telling someone off or yelling at them. when he says something, it has a ring of authenticity. you don't get the idea he's being very politic. if you're a governor, you need to tour the damaged parts of your state with someone who can help you. walking around with mitt romney
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would just be a photo op but allowing the president of the united states to tour the devastated areas of new jersey would allow the president to know where resources need to be placed. chris christie is being governor as president obama is being president in chief, not a campaigner. there's no margin for christie to play party politics. he needs to get the job done as governor because as steve says, his job will be judged by how he handle this is hurricane. >> steve, how do you think the romney camp views this, who does need this and some other margins between now and next tuesday? >> no, they're at cross-purposes here. christie is about -- right now he's imperative to appeal to blue state voters and the romney imperative is to sort of make obama look bad and win over swing state voters. it's another example. we've seen it a few times this
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year with christie actually, the same dynamic. i can think back earlier when romney was trying to stone wall on taxes, and christie was put on national television and christie quickly realized he doesn't want to be making excuses for mitt romney not releasing his taxes. it's going to go over horribly in new jersey. doesn't look good, period. it was christie much all people who said, you know what, mitt romney should release his taxes. we've seen this a few times from christie. his brand is dependent on being seen as a bipartisan guy. you can't do anything in this situation except working cooperatively and praising president obama if you're going to be a bipartisan guy. >> let me go to another point here. while i'm talking about romney, steve, he very clearly said that fema -- last year he said fema could be privatized or handled by the states. today he wouldn't even answer questions about it.
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"the new york times" editorial board slammed romney for his position on fema today writing disaster coordination is one of the most vital functions of big government, which is why mitt romney wants to eliminate it. does mr. romney really believe financially strapped states would do a better job than a properly functioning federal agency? those in hurricane sandy's path are fortunate that for now, that ideology has not replaced sound policy. as people look at this disaster, and are reminded about romney's position as they see at least so far fema operating efficiently, the politics of that clearly cannot be good for mr. romney, as "the times" suggest. >> yeah, no, i agree except i would put a cautionary note in there in that there are a number of issues that have come up in this campaign where romney's position, he articulated in republican primaries, the republican party platform is totally at odds of a wide
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majority of the public is. we've seen that, for instance, on protection with people with preconditioning conditions and not included in any proposal romney's put forward. when confronted with that, he denies it. same on immigration, platform is far to the right. in the debate, talking about arizona as a national model, he denied he said it. i do wonder if he's pressed on it, forced to answer on it, if he doesn't do that song and dance again, honestly, i i think it's worked fairly well for him in the last month playing the game that way. >> isn't it hard for him to deny it when we have footage of him saying it at one of the debates? i just played the footage. we do a great job here but i'm sure we're not the only show that has the foot aage. he can't put this on the republican platform. >> and mitt romney has shown a
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remarkable ability to etch-a-sketch. he can literally say on monday something the opposite of what he said on sunday and say it without irony. so far as, you know, steve said, it's worked for him. the etch-a-sketch only works so long as the media at large allows it to work. the romney campaign is counting on the fact that at the local level, the local news media that's covering -- that a lot of people are getting their day-to-day political news from, isn't going to call him on it and that the national immediate, yeah the sort of big overarching immediate, yeah shows like this and cable, his core supporters don't trust main stream media anyway so it doesn't matter what he says. he's literally trying to run a campaign unlike anything identify seen in my life, which is he can tailor his message to the market that confronted him at that moment. by doing that, he can win voters just in that moment and not worry about whether or not it contradicts his past positions. >> well, it's an amazing attempt. we'll see. steve kornacki and joy reed,
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thanks for your time tonight. catch steve on "the cycle" weekdays at 3 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. coming up, is mitt romney lying about jobs in ohio? yes, lying. we'll look at the facts. tonight the obama campaign is hitting back. >> they put out a statement today saying it was the biggest load of bull in the world, that they would ever consider shutting down american operations. he ties himself in more knots than a boy scout does in a knot-tying contest. >> we'll talk about it with ohio former democratic governor ted strickland. plus, we have some new tapes from a private romney fund-raiser. his 47% problems are coming back. and the billionaire boys club meets voter suppression. you won't believe who's behind those voter fraud billboards in
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ohio and links to the romney campaign. you're watching "politicsnation" on msnbc. [ male announcer ] with 160 more miles per tank, the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the new 2013 ram 1500. ♪ with the best-in-class fuel economy. engineered to move heaven and earth. ♪ guts. glory. ram. how did i get here? dumb luck? or good decisions? ones i've made. ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money. about tomorrow.
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ee . if the romney campaigns ends, lower standard even by the romney campaign. what mitt romney is doing with the story on jobs in ohio is something new. here's how it started in ohio last week. >> i saw a story today, that one of the great manufacturers in this state, jeep, now owned by the italians, is thinking of moving all production to china. >> romney immediately got called out by that by conservative
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newspaper that endorsed him and by jeep's parent company, calling the statement a leap that would be difficult even for professional circus acrobats. but -- well, maybe he didn't see those fact-checks. why else would he put out this ad? >> obama took gm and chrysler into bankruptcy and sold chrysler to italians who are going to build jeeps in china. >> to quote bill clinton, that takes brass. but that ad got four pinocchios from washington post, got pats on fire from politico. so obviously he stopped, right? wrong. he's now buying ohio ads in the ohio city home of the jeep plant. >> now come words that chrysler plans to start making jeeps in, you guessed it, china. what happened to the promises made to autoworkers in toledo
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and throughout ohio? the same hard working men and went who were told obama's auto bailout would help them? >> today chrysler's ceo sent a letter to employees saying, i feel obliged to unambiguously restate our position. jeep productions will not be moved from the united states to chi china. it is inaccurate to suggest anything different. inaccurate is a kind way of putting it. when corrected time and time again, governor romney has walked away from the truth. he hasn't fibbed, he hasn't mud idea the facts. he lied. and it's a lie he is selling to the people of ohio. it's desperate behavior from a desperate candidate. joining me now is former ohio governor ted strickland, national co-chairman for the obama campaign. governor strickland, thanks for coming on the show tonight. >> reverend al, what a
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despicable thing this romney campaign is doing. i think it says something about mitt romney's character. i think it says basically he's a dishonest person. he knows, his accusations regarding jeep leaving ohio and toledo are not right. and he's continuing to do it. and the people of ohio, i think, are going to punish this man by depriving him of ohio's electoral votes and thereby depriving him of the presidency. >> now, you know that state. you've been the governor there. >> i do. >> you're saying you don't think it will work, you do not think ohioans will be fooled by this? >> listen, ohioans know that president barack obama stood with us when this vital industry was on its knees. they know that president obama saved the american auto industry. they also know that when mitt romney went to defiance, ohio, and said what he said, his
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information came from a blog. do we want a man in the presidency who gets his information from the blogosphere and then makes an accusation like this, jeep is leaving ohio, depriving workers of their jobs and their livelihoods? and then when it's called to his attention, the plain dealer, politico, "the washington post," they said his accusations are lies and yet he continues to spend money to spread that lie. reverend al, what that says to me is mitt romney is desperate. he knows ohio is slipping through his fingers. and he knows he cannot be elected president without winning ohio. and this is a desperate act of a desperate man, but it is dishonest and mitt romney should be ashamed of himself. >> so, governor, mitt romney knows he cannot win the
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presidency without winning ohio. no republican has. so, it is your judgment. clearly, with all of these corrections and he still keeps doing it, that he's just making a desperate attempt to win at any cost. >> reverend al, what he has just done is call attention to the fact that he opposed the auto rescue. that he was the one who said, let detroit go bankrupt. and this is a late -- a late attempt a few days before the election to try to somehow redeem himself in the eyes of ohioans. it's not going to work because ohioans know that he was not on our side. president obama was the one who was on our side. and as i said, i think ohioans will recognize this for what it is, a dishonest attempt to
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manipulate, to distort and to deceive and ohioans will punish governor romney for doing this. i really believe that. >> governor ted strickland, thanks, as always for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. coming up, the 47% video exposed the real mitt romney. now a new secret tape shows just how extreme he is. you do not want to miss this one. and an incredible story developing. why is mitt romney's campaign training poll watchers to deceive election officials? a big story tonight. the reporter who broke the story reveals the documents. stay with us. those surprising little things she does
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we all know republicans love to bash government except of course when they can use it to their advantage. our latest example of a republican with selective outrage over government spending comes from connecticut senate candidate linda mcmahon, which calls for closing tax loopholes and ending corporate welfare. in 2009 when mcmahon ran the world wrestling entertainment,
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the company got more than $9.5 million in tax credits, months after they laid off 10% of their employees. 60 workers. mcmahon left the company that fall but her russ still runs wwe. and since 2009 it's got nearly $37 million in state tax credits. not exactly smacking down government. as tax expert david k. johnston explains, why many of the wealthiest in america, while posing as entrepreneurs and capitals of capitalism, are in fact on welfare. mcmahon can't wrestle her way out of this one. did she think we wouldn't notice we see her slam the loopholes her company took advantage of? nice try but we got you. a food ,
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or a drink that's a food, woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8.
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mother jones has uncovered a
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new audiotape showing governor romney trying again to mislead voters. not just so where he stands but where the president stands, too. it's from a private fund-raiser in march. >> i'm convinced that if this president is re-elected, the war on business and economic freedom will continue. i don't think the president likes you very much. you hear his business, i think he looks at you as a necessary evil, and maybe not so necessary. >> president obama believes business is evil? really? even on this tape governor romney seems to forget where he stands on outsourcing. >> i heard of head of coca-colaed that the business environment in america is less hospitable than the business environment in china, i think we have a problem. whether it's energy or regulation or tax policy or labor policy or legal policy or
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health care policy, i want america to be the best place for business. >> mr. romney wants business to come to america. i wonder if that includes all those jobs that were outsourced by companies that his firm, bain capital, invested in? fool, don't be fooled by moderate mitt, no matter how much he hopes you will. joining me is david corn from mother jones and an msnbc political analyst, who also unveiled this newest romney tape. and maria theresa kumar, president and ceo of voter latino and an msnbc contributor. thank you both for joining me. >> thank you, reverend. >> david, what do these latest tapes tell you about governor romney? >> i'm glad you played that second tape. if you listen to it carefully and think about it for a moment, it says that mitt romney wants america to compete with china for having an environment more
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hospitable for business, but why do businesses go to china? they go because there are low wages and weak labor protections and nonexistent environmental standards. so, is he suggesting that's what he wants for american workers and american consumers? i mean, it's not a well thought out idea. certainly nothing he will talk about in the campaign. and since we're in the closing days, probably nothing he'll be pressed on. but he's saying, hey, guys, we have to be as bad as china in order to get businesses to come here rather than go there. >> and it's also a mischaracterization of his position and the president's. another thing that struck me is when i heard mrs. romney at the fund-raiser say the president isn't adult enough to lead the country. listen to mrs. romney. >> what's happening in greece and look what's happening around the world, we look at what's
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happening. this is a frightening worlgd. we need a grownup and someone to understand the economy. so i'm glad mitt can be this gronup to all. >> ha, ha, ha. with all the president has done across the world from bin laden? he's not a grown-up? the implications are offensive when you see them in debates acting all cordial to the president. >> it's a little more. ann romney isn't running by president but romney by extension believes the president isn't a grown-up by comparing him to one of his sons during the presidential debate. this is insensitive, given the 2008 was historical election, first african-american president, not just disparaging
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to the man barack obama but disparaging to the office. shame on her. what david was saying earlier when we were talking about mitt romney wanting to turn back the clock. he sounds like the robert be behrens believes hard work is only by the fat cat on wall street. he's not talking about the work stimulus, the auto bailout, main street. his definition of business is only about wall street. >> he's also trying to make himself appeal more moderate, trying to redo himself right before your very eyes, david. minnesota senator norm coleman, let me use him as an example, he's a romney surrogate, talking to concerned voters in ohio yesterday. watch what he says. >> choices an issue for a lot of
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people. roe v. wade wasn't reversed. >> now, romney has stated clearly it is his personal desire to reverse roe versus wade. now he has surrogates out there saying, this isn't going to happen. i mean, this -- you're talking about etch-a-sketch, this is amazing. >> i am shocked, reverend, that you're shocked that someone connected to the romney campaign might say something that's not all together true. i mean, look at what we've seen for the last couple of weeks. mitt romney has been making -- in essence, making a u-turn at 60 miles per hour on a crowded freeway and don't say, don't pay any attention to this. i'm a moderate. i'm not going to do anything with abortion. boy, do i love the immigrants now. >> and, david, i get -- and, david, what you're saying at the same time, looking at mitt romney right now, when i was growing up my mom said you are who your friends are.
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what you're saying is exactly right. he picked paul ryan as vice presidential nominee who's basically against pro choice and also against gay rights and defending medicare. i mean, this is who mitt romney is. he can't get away from that. >> let's not even go there. let me play to you what mitt romney said regarding roe versus wade. >> there we go. >> i hope to appoint justices to the supreme court that will follow the law and the constitution. it would be my preference that they reverse roe v. wade. >> that would be my preference that they reverse roe versus wade. you play that and you show what coleman just said on his behalf. come o we're not talking about friends. we're talking about moderate mitt himself. >> it's not even moderate mitt. what is happening is he's basically -- you're right. he has his own words to be used against him but also disingenuous when senator coleman was saying what bush did
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for the supreme court. it's a gradual term. three supreme court justices are in their mid-70s, one in questionable health, you just need to appoint one to the supreme court and roe versus wade will be turned overnight. it's disingenuous for mitt to say that's not only true but coleman as a surrogate not to be forthcoming. >> david, i'll give you the last word. >> i think it's a mistake to call him moderate mitt because he is really say anything mitt. after that clip you just played, three weeks ago, he said, listen, i have no legislative agenda for getting rid of roe v. wade, even though he said he wanted to. then his campaign came out and said, that's not true. he supports getting rid of roe v. wade. it's saying anything at any point in time. you did a good job earlier in the show saying what was happening with china and the jeep commercial in ohio. so, moderation has nothing to do with this. it's purely whatever works. >> david corn and maria theresa
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kumar, thank you for your time. >> sure thing. >> thank you, reverend. coming up, why is mitt romney's campaign training pole watchers to train people at the polls? it's a developing story. the reporter who broke it joins us. and mystery solved. billionaire boys club meets voter suppression. we know who's behind these billboards. that's coming up. customer erin swenson bought from us online today. so, i'm happy. sales go up... i'm happy. it went out today... i'm happy. what if she's not home? (together) she won't be happy. use ups! she can get a text alert, reroute... even reschedule her package. it's ups my choice. are you happy? i'm happy. i'm happy. i'm happy. i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. (together) happy. i love logistics.
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he on. in most of the country, election day is already here. 17 million people have already voted through early voting on absentee ballots. our facebook page, many of you have sent photos of early voting in your hometown. we got this photo of voting early in washington, d.c., alongside her parents and her 94-year-old grandmother. three generations of early voting. elizabeth sent us this photo of husker the pug, helping her vote by mail in phoenix, arizona, as she said, a dichdiose. tweet us at "politicsnation," use the hash tag protect the vote or come to our facebook
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page and message us. we have a big story on voter intimidation in a key state. that's next. [ male announcer ] the way it moves. the way it cleans. everything about the oral-b power brush is simply revolutionary. our unique brush head cleans in three directions with up to 50% more brush movements than leading sonic technology. oral-b power brushes.
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we're back with the relentless right wing effort to block the vote. think progress exclusively reports on the romney campaign training volunteer poll watchers to mislead voters in wisconsin. the training also teaches them how to deceive elections officials and the public about who they were associated with. they obtained romney campaign's volunteer observer, the training manual given volunteers during training sessions in wisconsin. this section raises serious concerns. rules regarding observers. volunteers are specifically told to sign in as, quote, concerned citizen, not as connected to the romney campaign.
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so, why is the romney campaign telling poll volunteers to be purposely deceptive? think progress obtained audio from one of the training sessions. here is the person leading the session. >> we'll have you sign in. >> animosity? they say this has been going on for years, republicans and democrats do it. it's a legal and necessary of free and fair elections, but the romney campaign doesn't want voters to know they're there. gee, i wonder why. joining me now is scott who broke the story for think progress and joe madison, nationally syndicated radio host from sirius/xm the power.
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thanks to both of you for being here tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> scott, what can you tell us about your reporting? anything from the campaign? >> think progress obtained this document that is being used in romney poll watcher trainings around the state. we identified as many as 17 such trainings that occurred in the last month. not only are they being instrucked to sign in at the polls as a concerned citizen rather than mentioned -- or disclose any affiliation with the romney campaign or the republican party, they're also being given highly misleading and sometimes downright false information. for instance, they're told on one of the pages that -- given a list of ineligible voters. one of those is anybody who's ever committed a felony in the state. that's patently not true. wisconsin law allows for anybody with a felony, once they are completed their sentence, they're given their voting rights back.
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these are tens of thousands of wisconsinites in this situation who romney are encouraging poll watchers to say are ineligible voters. >> who was the woman on the tape we played? her name is christina. we have her linkedin page. republican party of wisconsin. who is she? >> a 2011 graduate of marquette law school, legal counsel for romney party in the state of wisconsin. appears she's been conducting these poll watcher trainings across the state in places like racine and green bay. they'll fan out on election day, even though they're representatives of the romney campaign, not disclosing that information when they get to the polls. >> joe, poll watching is done by
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all party, civil rights groups you and i have been affiliated with. there's nothing wrong with it. why would someone want to purposely deceive their connection or affiliation with poll watching unless there's something they're going to do -- we're dealing with here that does not meet the eye? >> they might get one of those samuel l. jackson attitudes, you know, get out of my face mentality. first of all, that's understand what this is -- who they're directing this at. they will -- it will slow down, for example, the process. now, if you slow down the process -- look how long the lines are been for voting early. imagine what the lines will look like on election day. you slow down the process by having all of these challenges. number two, the elderly are targeted because they lie and they say that a poll worker can't come out and help an elderly who might be in a car or
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van who has a wheelchair. that's a lie. it slows down those who think they might be discouraged, because i have a record even though i'm qualified. they're targeting people. what you've done and others have done, this is an argument for voting early. this is an argument so you don't have to put up with that mess. secondly, i think people ought to, if approached by these folks, ought to basically tell people, get out of my face, this is my vote, my vote counts just like anybody else, and i'll go in here and i'll vote the way i want to and not be put off by this. i'm so glad think progress did this because now we can put people on notice, don't be fooled by this. >> scott, we understand the romney campaign is training poll watchers in at least two other states. here's the sign page for early voting poll watchers in nevada. after think progress reported on the wisconsin poll watching program, the campaign blocked access to the sign-up page.
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here's the ohio sign-up page, which also volunteers to, quote, help protect democracy. so, this is more than just wisconsin, scott. >> that's one of the scary things here is for every document we were able to obtain here, there's probably 10, 20, 50 other ones we don't know about. that's just within the romney campaign. i mean, there are these new outside groups who are fanning across the country like true the vote whose express purpose is to send poll watchers to heavy minority districts and the idea is to slow down the process, issue challenges on eligibility, put up as many barriers as possible to vote. >> well, so that we must deal with these barriers and keep going, as joe madison said, get out of my face, let me vote. >> that's right. get out of my face, i'm going to vote. absolutely. >> scott, joe, thanks for your time tonight.
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>> thank you, rev. >> thanks for having me. up next, the billionaire boys club that's funding voting sue expression. we finally learn who's behind those voter fraud billboards in the midwest. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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it's steven einhorn's family foundation. who is he? he's a hedge fund manager on the milwaukee board, used to be on the board of milwaukee repertoire theater, even treasurer for think tank, and a major donor. they donated maximum $5,000 to mitt romney's campaign. his wife gave more than $5,000 to paul ryan and more than $30,000 to rnc and gave $50,000 to republican governor paul walker. last week clear channel took down the billboards. but why would they want the signs up in the first place? quote, perhaps chicago public relations firm could answer why the einhorns only felt it
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necessary to target legal voters in minority communities and why they didn't feel the need to do this public service across wisconsin where a majority of residents are white or put their names on it rather than hiding behind the cowardly veil of anonymity? a great thing about this country is you can do whatever you want with your money. and as i showed, he's given money to many cultural groups but now this, this is what he decided to spend money on? since president obama took office, the stock market has gone up 67%. i assume mr. einhorn's business has done very well under this president. and his response is to up up these billboards in minority communities to suppress people from voting? well, not really something he and his family can be proud of.


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